Kolkata, India – May 7 marks the birth anniversary of one of India’s greatest luminaries, Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore, born in 1861, was a poet, philosopher, musician, and playwright, whose works continue to inspire and influence people all over the world.

On this occasion, several political leaders and cultural icons took to social media to pay their tributes to the great man. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee tweeted, “I pay my humble tribute to Gurudeb Rabindranath Tagore on his birth anniversary. May his teachings and philosophy continue to guide us all.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also tweeted, “On the occasion of his Jayanti, my tributes to Gurudev Tagore. From art to music and from education to literature, he has left an indelible mark across several areas. We reiterate our commitment to fulfilling his vision for a prosperous, progressive and enlightened India.”

Home Minister Amit Shah also paid his respects to Tagore, saying, “My tribute to Gurudev Tagore on his birth anniversary. His thoughts on justice and equality shaped India’s worldview while his timeless works provided the intellectual foundation for the freedom movement. He remains a visionary poet & beacon of light for us.”

Even opposition leader Shuvendu Adhikari took to Twitter to welcome Amit Shah to Kolkata on the eve of Rabindra Jayanti, saying, “This time Shri Amit Shah Ji has arrived on the eve of Rabindra Jayanti to celebrate the red letter day with us Bengalis; who cherish our cultural heritage.”

Even the iconic Mohunbagan football club paid tribute to Tagore on this occasion, tweeting, “On this auspicious occasion of Rabindra Jayanti, let us pay our heartfelt tribute to Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, who left an indelible mark on Indian literature and music. His legacy continues to inspire generations.”

Tagore’s contributions to Indian literature and art are unparalleled, and his influence continues to be felt across the world. On his birth anniversary, we remember his legacy and celebrate the man who helped shape our cultural heritage.